We have some disheartening news as the
Summit County Agricultural Society (SCAS) has decided to cancel the upcoming Ohio Cannabis Festival contracted to be held August 31 - September 1 in a statement received by mail to organizers. This breach of contract was in accordance with City and County officials' direction who cited ownership of the land, our commercial speech and state law.

Our team worked very hard for the past 6 months cultivating a full production due to the reliance and misrepresentation made by SCAS. In May we found out the grounds are in fact not owned by SCAS.

We are going through the process of contacting all contractors, artists, participants, issuing refunds, offering remedies, and mitigating damages. Please be patient as we set up the processes.

As we explore moving forward with future production plans, any suitable landowners are encouraged to contact our team. All inquiries click below or reach out to .